Practice Nurses
We have two part-time practice nurses Elaine Hendry and Niamh Heald, they are on hand to give advice on many aspects of healthcare, minor illnesses and lifestyle.
Services include:-
- Cervical smears
- Chronic disease management (asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease etc)
- Venipuncture
- Blood pressure monitoring
- New patient medicals
- Dressings and suture removal
- Immunisations (Note – nurses and GPs will no longer be doing childhood immunisations)
- Injections
- ECGs
- Warfarin monitoring
- 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
- Contraception advice/prescriptions
Nurse Elaine Hendry (f)
Practice NurseNurse Niamh Heald (f)
Practice Nurse
)Healthcare Assistants (including Phlebotomy)
Avril McLaren is our Healthcare Assistant whose duties include:
- Venepuncture
- Suture removal
- 24-hour blood pressure monitoring
- Chaperone